The Power of Song

The power of the song, of music, of art – in general – to initiate change, provoke thought and move culture along can be pretty astounding. People like Pete Seeger, who passed away earlier today, have fundamentally shown that to the world, and, in doing so, inspired generations. Writing the songs for, “Death In The Valley”, I was asking myself old questions and using the characters in the narrative to search for new answers. Admittedly, themes such as the challenging of the status quo, the balance of personal/social responsibility, economic struggles, control (or a lack there-of) and hope are nothing new. Rather, it was my intention to use them as a lens to gauge life in our increasingly modern times. Or in other words…

“Every year the valley grows deeper,
The hillside grows steeper,
The winds they grow stronger,
The shadows grow longer,
We will grow older,
But will we grow colder?
Or can we grow wiser?
Can we grow kinder?
Instead of harder?
‘N instead of farther, ‘n farther, ‘n farther, ‘n farther, ‘n farther on
Into this Death In The Valley”

Available 2.4.14 @

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