New Album: Dan Tedesco II

My new album, which serves as the second half of 2015’s self-titled, was released the Kum & Go Theatre show on May 27, 2016 in ‎Des Moines‬. No press. No full-album streaming. The most ambitious record I’ve made, to date. It was tracked here at home, in a very lo-fi setting, similar to the first half of the project. However, these songs are accompanied by various drum loops and electronic instrumentation. The result is a very organic performance juxtaposed against a digital subtext, serving as a commentary on life in-between Polaroids and Instagram.

Track list:
1. My, Oh, My (Heart Of The Crowd)
2. If The World Only Knew
3. Critical Acclaim
4. Dylan Went Electric
5. One-Hit Wonders
6. I Don’t Know Where That Leaves Me
7. Dark Houses
8. Fat On The Bone
9. Keep Runnin’ On
10. Let Me Play My Guitar (I Will Not Do Ya Wrong)

Available, exclusively, here:
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